Thursday, January 6

So yesterday was a weird day. I received a text message from an old fling, which wasn’t to out of the ordinary as we still talk every once in while.. however he proceeded to hint towards a booty call, which was strange as that hasn’t been done since June, so I didn’t know how to say um.. I have a boyfriend now… anyway that was strange..

Also Bevins informed me that we have “made out” , So I said and when did this “make out session” take place as I have no recollection. He informed me he was hurt and applied no additional details…. BEVINS JUST WISHES, that is all….. He proved that on New Year’s Eve, when I received a very derogatory voicemail, about what he was going to do to me. BAD bevins!

My unnamed flava is so sweet, I got a flat tire and he changed it, and he wants me to drive his car so that I am not driving on a donut, but I am getting the tire fixed today so that is not necessary.

I am yucky feeling today, I hate this day of the month.

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