Wednesday, March 30
I really want to clear the air with Hot Guy, I was just informed on my lunch break,( in my opinion the reason he is being so shady) this conniving girl that is my co-worker who, propositioned him for a blow job by the way, apparently jumped all over him last night and was telling him not to screw me over and how he’d better not hurt my feelings and that I wanted a relationship with him, blah blah blah so he is freaking out obviously (who wouldn’t) thinking that I have all these things that I want from him, which in all actuality I want nothing from him but friendship and if I get an additional benefit from it then great and if not then great too! So apparently he talked to B. and she told him that wasn’t the case. LOOK people I have a regular, I don’t need another one I just flushed 2 demons this weekend, so that I can be free, I don’t consider M. a demon, he is just a regular. So why would I be trying to tie myself to one person, BUT he seems to imply that he might be the jealous type when he is “with” someone, so that probably wouldn’t work anyway! GIRLS are SOOOO stupid, hence why I don’t like them! Bah I am mad!