Wednesday, June 29
Who is this person??
Approximately 3 days I sent a message to the lobster (as Jack calls him). With no response until this morning and I am now crying for some unknown reason. Here is the conversation….
Me (3 or 4 days ago) : Hello! Are you guys alive? Haven’t heard from you guys in a while- S
Lobster (this morning) Yes, I am alive. ( generally that would not warrant a response from me, but I know something is wrong)
Me : everything ok?
Lobster: kinda … I’ll call you tonight ….
Me: Please do! I’m worried. Have a good day. You better call me!
Lobster: K
Me (3 or 4 days ago) : Hello! Are you guys alive? Haven’t heard from you guys in a while- S
Lobster (this morning) Yes, I am alive. ( generally that would not warrant a response from me, but I know something is wrong)
Me : everything ok?
Lobster: kinda … I’ll call you tonight ….
Me: Please do! I’m worried. Have a good day. You better call me!
Lobster: K