Wednesday, October 18

Not having a jobby job really sucks ass! I need money. I hate to be broke it really sucks!

T has been here for the past two and a half weeks or so, and she leaves on Monday back to Mass. which that sucks being that I don't reside in the same city anymore I haven't seen much of her. But I am going when Joe gets out of school on Friday and staying until at least Saturday afternoon.

So I got really hammered for the first time around my LC friends on Saturday which concerns me slightly. I have a tendency to be a little obnoixiuos when I am drunk. However the few that I have asked have only said that they had a blast and that I seemed to be having fun and that I didn't bother anybody. and I quote "lets do it again Saturday" ha not so fast. I have to be sure that, that never happens again or at least not in the near future.

So D day is fast approaching again. My how time flies. I wanted to get the tattoo for him this year on D day but unfortunatly I have no money since I ain't got no job. so this will just have to wait again. he will be memorialized I promise. So I am sad and moody and whiney these days and I can't stop eating but my clothes are falling off.... so basically I am just a big fat shrinking mess. yay me!

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