Friday, April 20



Why is it when we think we are saved, we find that we are really just damned.

I've hurt myself by hating you...

but how could I hate such a beautiful soul.. what was I thinking...

Do you look down and know my true feelings.... I wasn't really mad at you

I've missed you so much.. why can someone go that is needed so badly

I guess we really don't know what is important until it is no longer with us,

I'm sorry... for hurting you.

it seems it like it was just yesterday when i walked away...

I want to hold you, and take your pain away, there is nothing I wouldn't do to take your pain away.

But when I call there is no answer, you have gone away.. left me to myself

the guilt is rotton...

seems like yesterday the last time I heard "I love you sister boo" if I only knew... But I walked away...

I just want to hold you in my arms and cradle you pain away.. there is nothing I wouldn't do to hear you precious voice again.

I just want to run and hide when you take me like this... Why does she do the same... why does my pride let this happen again.
When she goes I will have another on my mind, there is no glory in this.

My brother is gone, and soon my sister will follow

OMG...what happened? Is she okay? ( I know she isn't ever really okay know...)
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